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Atmosphere Ethics and Training Inc. was founded by Antoinette Randall in August 2011 and incorporated in 2014. Antoinette's natural skill to teach and motivate was obvious early on when her elementary educators advised her parents that their class became difficult to manage whenever Antoinette shared her view. If information wasn't presented with care or if someone appeared to be confused, she had to fix it. She only wanted to help, but discovered that motivation inspired people to create solutions to circumstances they originally saw no hope for.

Fortunately, the purpose of A.E.T., is double-sided. It is the source for Professional and Personal Development.

  • A.ET., promotes the importance of and close adherence to laws for professionalism and the code of ethics in any environment where quality service and efficient business relations are expected. Professionalism is that one Major factor that determines the longevity or destruction of a business. It's essential that EVERY person operating as part of a company, understands what professionalism fully entails.
  • A.E.T., continuing education courses inspires individuals to think of themselves as worthy to live their dreams, Finally! Students are motivated to re-visit and regroup to make their dreams reality by investing into the inner workings of themselves, which produces a fine-tuned and wiser version of oneself. A.E.T., courses will equip individuals and groups for the world of business relations.

Longevity and success does not trail those who are unwilling to meet the standards required for operating a thriving business. The Atmosphere of success must be created. Having an extensive background in customer service and social relations, Antoinette saw a critical need to establish a source geared towards improving the way individuals view themselves and how it directly impacts business longevity and financial increase.

A.E.T., was founded to encourage professional ethical interactions among all those hired by and benefiting from private and corporate companies. In order to give the best, the mind and body must be in accordance with positivity. Beyond that, knowledge of a company's purpose serve as an essential key to quality service. The art of mastering business skills will not only increase your revenue, but place you on the path to prosperity. Anyone can learn a skill, but passion for that skill must flow naturally. Furthermore, the most skillful person can stagnate, and in extreme cases destroy their career and or a company's reputable name, due to unprofessional practices.  

Conquer & Succeed
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